Startups: Understand Lean Startup vs. Design Thinking vs. AgileStartups: Understand Lean Startup vs. Design Thinking vs. Agilemié., abr. 2, 19:00Mindshop Online Classroom • Barcelona59,40 $ - 82,44 $Guarda Startups: Understand Lean Startup vs. Design Thinking vs. Agile en tu colección.Comparte Startups: Understand Lean Startup vs. Design Thinking vs. Agile con tus amigos.
MINDSHOP™|Startups: Understand Lean Startup vs. Design Thinking vs. AgileMINDSHOP™|Startups: Understand Lean Startup vs. Design Thinking vs. Agilejue., abr. 3, 19:00Mindshop Online Classroom • Barcelona84,83 $ - 108,66 $Guarda MINDSHOP™|Startups: Understand Lean Startup vs. Design Thinking vs. Agile en tu colección.Comparte MINDSHOP™|Startups: Understand Lean Startup vs. Design Thinking vs. Agile con tus amigos.
Startup Mastery: Leveraging Lean Startup , Agile, and Design ThinkingStartup Mastery: Leveraging Lean Startup , Agile, and Design Thinkinglun., abr. 7, 18:00Online • Barcelona76,74 € - 99 €Guarda Startup Mastery: Leveraging Lean Startup , Agile, and Design Thinking en tu colección.Comparte Startup Mastery: Leveraging Lean Startup , Agile, and Design Thinking con tus amigos.
Startup Mastery: Leveraging Lean Startup , Agile, and Design ThinkingStartup Mastery: Leveraging Lean Startup , Agile, and Design Thinkingvie., abr. 4, 14:00Online • Barcelona76,74 € - 99 €Guarda Startup Mastery: Leveraging Lean Startup , Agile, and Design Thinking en tu colección.Comparte Startup Mastery: Leveraging Lean Startup , Agile, and Design Thinking con tus amigos.
How FUTURES THINKING Transforms Uncertainty into ImpactHow FUTURES THINKING Transforms Uncertainty into Impactjue., abr. 10, 18:00Impact Hub Barcelona • BarcelonaGratisGuarda How FUTURES THINKING Transforms Uncertainty into Impact en tu colección.Comparte How FUTURES THINKING Transforms Uncertainty into Impact con tus amigos.
Startups: Develop Innovative Product with Minimum Viable ThinkingStartups: Develop Innovative Product with Minimum Viable Thinkingmié., abr. 2, 19:00Mindshop Online Classroom • Barcelona77,77 $Guarda Startups: Develop Innovative Product with Minimum Viable Thinking en tu colección.Comparte Startups: Develop Innovative Product with Minimum Viable Thinking con tus amigos.
Startups: Develop Innovative Product with Minimum Viable ThinkingStartups: Develop Innovative Product with Minimum Viable Thinkingmié., abr. 2, 19:00Mindshop Online Classroom • Barcelona77,77 $Guarda Startups: Develop Innovative Product with Minimum Viable Thinking en tu colección.Comparte Startups: Develop Innovative Product with Minimum Viable Thinking con tus amigos.
Startups: Develop Innovative Product with Minimum Viable ThinkingStartups: Develop Innovative Product with Minimum Viable Thinkingjue., abr. 3, 19:00Mindshop Online Classroom • Barcelona77,77 $Guarda Startups: Develop Innovative Product with Minimum Viable Thinking en tu colección.Comparte Startups: Develop Innovative Product with Minimum Viable Thinking con tus amigos.
Piano Night by Giovanni Ghizzani and an invited artistPiano Night by Giovanni Ghizzani and an invited artistvie., abr. 4, 23:00Velvet Room • Barcelona9,10 €Guarda Piano Night by Giovanni Ghizzani and an invited artist en tu colección.Comparte Piano Night by Giovanni Ghizzani and an invited artist con tus amigos.
Neutra: Survival Through DesignNeutra: Survival Through Designmañana a las 19:00Pavelló Mies van der Rohe • BarcelonaGratisGuarda Neutra: Survival Through Design en tu colección.Comparte Neutra: Survival Through Design con tus amigos.