The Center for the Governance of Change (CGC) at IE University invites you to this NATO-sponsored event to present our new report on countering disinformation campaigns by foreign powers in Africa.
The report, "Countering Foreign Information Manipulation and Interference in Africa", has been produced by the CGC, sponsored by NATO, and written by Professor Carlos Galán Cordero (Director of the Master in Intelligence Analysis and Cyberintelligence at Universidad Antonio de Nebrija).
The event will feature a conversation with global affairs experts specialized in Africa. We will examine the methods used by foreign powers to carry out their disinformation campaigns, their motivations and means of dissemination, and how to counter them.
The event will be followed by a networking cocktail.
6:00 pm: Institutional welcome – Irene Blázquez Navarro, Director, CGC
6:05 pm: Opening remarks – Selin Batiturk, Program Officer, NATO Public Diplomacy Division
6:15 pm: Panel discussion and Q&A with the audience on the report's topics, findings, and recommendations
Carlos Galán Cordero, Director of the Master in Intelligence Analysis and Cyberintelligence, Universidad Antonio de Nebrija (author of the report)
Zine Labidine Ghebouli, visiting fellow, Middle East and North Africa program, European Council on Foreign Relations
Beatriz de León Cobo, Director, Expert Group of the Sahel-Europe Dialogue Forum, International Security Center, Universidad Francisco de Vitoria
Alex Roche, Associate Director, CGC (moderator)
7:00 pm: Closing and networking cocktail