By Dunamis Movement

Date and time

July 1 · 6pm - July 15 · 1pm GMT-3


Dunamis Farm

Rod. Jose Padovan Neto Km 6 Pariquera-Açu, SP 11930000 Brazil

Refund Policy

Contact the organizer to request a refund.

About this event

  • Event lasts 13 days 19 hours

What is Greenhouse?

A trilingual missionary school (English, Spanish and Portuguese) focused on awakening young leaders and revivalists for the call of God in their lives. In this school, young people will be equipped to influence and impact the seven spheres of society with the power and radical love of Jesus.

Young people from many countries will be at Dunamis Farm, being trained and equipped to bring revival to the world. Through the experience of a powerful and intelligent gospel, they will be equipped with the character and works of Christ to establish the Kingdom of God in their areas of action.

The investment amount refers to the training, material, accommodation and 3 meals.

All students are responsible for their own transportation from the airport to the designated location in the city of São Paulo to board the bus going to the Farm.

Organized by

DUNAMIS MOVEMENT is a Christian, para-ecclesiastical movement whose focus is sustainable revival. We seek to awaken a generation to ESTABLISH the Culture of the Kingdom of God on Earth and in turn, TRANSFORM the society around them.

In Greek the root of the word Dunamis is dynamus, which means the explosive power of the Holy Spirit with a connotation of dynamite and dynamics. In Greek there are four synonymous words of power: Exousia (delegated authority), Ischuros (physical force), Kratos (domain) and the word Dunamis providing a sense of energy, great strength and great skill, often described as power coming from a another world in activity on Earth, conquering resistance.

Dunamis was a power that manifested itself in gifts, miracles, many conversions and significant growth in the church. In Acts 4:33 this word is reported "With great power (dunamis) the apostles continued to testify of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus and great favor was upon them." It is with this power and grace from Heaven that this ministry seeks to expand the Kingdom of God through an awakened youth generation sent to be transformation agents in society.
