Sitges Business Curry Club Lunch

Sitges Business Curry Club Lunch

Social lunch experience for local Businesses and like minded people to meet up and share ideas, business opportunities and network.

By Sitges Business Curry Club Lunch

Select date and time

Thu, 20 Mar 2025 13:00 - 16:00 CET


Namasté Sitges

17 Carrer de Sant Bonaventura 08870 Sitges Spain

About this event

Sitges Business Curry Club Lunch has been created to offer a social lunch experience for local Businesses and like minded people to meet up, share some ideas, network and to discuss potential business opportunities with each other.

This event will run mid week every month.

Organised by

Sitges Business Curry Club Lunch has been created to offer a social lunch experience for local Businesses and like minded people to meet up, share some ideas, topics, network and to discuss potential business opportunities with each other.

This event will run on the second Friday of every month.