Soft Confluences of the Textile and Fashion Industry
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Soft Confluences of the Textile and Fashion Industry

Talks and presentations followed by an exhibition focused on future sustainable practices under the umbrella of the "Transitions" project

Date and time

Thursday, October 24 · 4 - 7:30pm CEST


Instituto de Arquitectura Avanzada de Cataluña

102 Carrer de Pujades 08005 Barcelona Spain

About this event

  • Event lasts 3 hours 30 minutes

Talks and presentations followed by an exhibition focused on future sustainable practices will be part of the Barcelona Design Week OFF. The event is held under the umbrella of the "Transitions" project, which aims to promote transitions to Industry 4.0 and the circular economy through the development of new learning methods, tools, and practices to help students, young designers, and professionals face real challenges.

Confluences occur when two separated channels of a river meet to create a strong bond. We have been using this metaphor of an intersection to lead to groundbreaking fashion movements that redefine standards and challenge conventions within the Transitions project. The aim is to nurture the textile and fashion transition to an Industry 4.0 system and a circular economy by developing new learning methods, tools, and practices to help students, young designers, and professionals face real challenges. By merging these newly built methods and the local environment we are tackling topics such as fabric dyeing, post-process finishing, plant cultivation, biomaterials, and textile recycling. All these will be displayed and represented by invited experts, participants of the Transitions training and local stakeholders. The common effort toward water consumption and sustainable fashion will raise awareness to help preserve water resources in local production. As in nature, the convergence of different streams within the fashion world can result in a powerful and cohesive force forming a more sustainable and ecological approach.

About Transitions EU project

TRANSITIONS project project aims to nurture the textile and fashion transition to an Industry 4.0 system and a circular economy by developing new learning methods, tools, and practices to help students, young designers, and professionals to face real challenges. The Transitions partners have developed a modular curriculum for the textile and fashion sector to support the transition towards sustainability and digitalization at three educational levels: VET, Professionals and Higher Education. The Transitions Lab aims to test the modular curriculum across the professional level.

The agenda will be published soon!

Check out our website Transitions | Strategic alliance for innovation (

The event has been organized by Fab Lab Barcelona IAAC and Barcelona Design Week, within the framework of the EU project Transitions, in collaboration with local partners Elisava Barcelona, Modacc - Catalan Fashion Cluster (Spain) and project partners Nordiska Textilakademin, Borås Stad (Sweden), Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, New Order of Fashion (Netherlands), Next Technology Tecnotessile, Città Studi (Italy).

Disclaimer: “Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.”

Organized by

Fab Lab Barcelona es un laboratorio de fabricación digital líder en de la red mundial de talleres de innovación (Fab Labs). Fundado en 2007 por el Instituto de Arquitectura Avanzada de Cataluña (IAAC), Fab Lab Barcelona es un espacio que ofrece acceso a una gran variedad de herramientas de fabricación digital, como impresoras 3D, cortadoras láser, fresadoras CNC, entre otros equipos de alta tecnología.

El objetivo principal del Fab Lab Barcelona es promover la innovación, la creatividad y la colaboración en el ámbito de la fabricación digital y la tecnología, así como fomentar la participación ciudadana en el proceso de creación y producción de objetos y productos. Además, ofrece Másters, Posgrados y cursos de formación en diseño y fabricación digital, una plataforma académica distribuida de educación, y colaboraciones diversas con diferentes proyectos de investigación y desarrollo tecnológico.

En la actualidad, Fab Lab Barcelona desarrolla proyectos de investigación a diferentes escalas, desde dispositivos inteligentes para la recolección de datos por los individuos (Ciudadano inteligente) a los nuevos modelos productivos para las ciudades (FabCity). Los Fab Labs exploran la relación entre el mundo digital y físico, comenzó como un proyecto de extensión del Centro de Bits y Átomos del MIT y se ha convertido en una red mundial de personas que trabajan en la popularización de un nuevo modo de producción que afectará a todos los niveles de nuestra vida: desde el mundo profesional de la producción de diseño, arquitectura o industrial, a la esfera doméstica, con la introducción de la fabricación personal en nuestra vida cotidiana.