If you've criticised and judged yourself and want to experience more gentleness... here is a unique creative experience to see yourself through new eyes, to transform your relationship with negative self-talk and step into softness.
It's through simple yet powerful tools, individual and group processes where you can learn how to EMBODY gentleness and create a solid foundation for a renewed relationship with yourself.
- NLP and Embodiment coaching
- Hypnotherapy
- Live music and sound healing from guest musicians!
- Creative exercises including art and dance (suitable for all levels)
Find strength and power within the soft, subtle, and gentle.
Greater self-acceptance amongst imperfections and negative self-talk.
In a world where there is much noise, distractions, violence, information etc... it can often result in increased stress, overwhelm, negative self-talk and judgement about the world, others... and with ourselves.
"I can't do it"
"I'm not good enough"
"I'm old / ugly / stupid..." etc
Have you ever held onto stories of LACK & LIMITATION about yourself and life?
Virtually every single, human being has. And after 12 years of working with people in this field I can tell you that...
- It's more common than you think.
- There is a root cause behind it (that most overlook)
- And embracing a little more gentleness with ourselves is possible
In this experiential morning workshop you'll rewrite the story with negative self-talk, understand the root behind it, create change within the subconscious and work somatically for an embodied shift into greater softness with yourself and in life.
- Soothe your nervous system
- Reduce anxiety, stress and overwhelm
- The healing power of live music for mind, body and soul
- New, empowering beliefs about yourself and your capabilities
- Feel restored, renewed, grounded, centred and calm
- How to rewire your mind for greater self compassion
- Greater mind / body awareness
- Practical tools you get to keep for life
And so much more!
TRANSFORM your relationship with negative self-talk
EMBRACE your body and discover the power it holds
DANCE with gentle, loving presence (and live music!)
This workshop offers practical tools you can use anytime, anywhere and keep for life.
If you struggle with negative self-talk, criticism, judgements, anxiety, overwhelm in life, stress, lack of self confidence, fear of the future, or simply curious to learn more... this workshop can be a transformative space for you. Suitable for all levels of experience.
Saturday 22nd March, 11H - 13.30H. Arrive on time so you get to benefit from all the exercises.
Tandem Studio, via Laietana 45, 3-1, Stairway A.
Comfortable clothing, with layers, water bottle, notebook and pen.
Early bird €35 before 15th March. Full price €45. Note, no refunds can be made for any cancelation with less than 48hrs notice.
I look forward to connecting with you,
With love,
Emma Bradford, NLP Trainer, Embodiment and Hypnosis Coach has spent the last 12 years supporting people worldwide in reducing anxiety and transforming their relationship with themselves, their body, emotions, negative self-talk and the life they experience. More info here.