Curtmetratges BFF25 - BLOC DCurtmetratges BFF25 - BLOC DSat, Mar 15, 6:45 PMCCCB • BarcelonaFreeSave Curtmetratges BFF25 - BLOC D to your collection.Share Curtmetratges BFF25 - BLOC D with your friends.
Curtmetratges BFF25 - BLOC CCurtmetratges BFF25 - BLOC CSat, Mar 15, 5:00 PMCCCB • BarcelonaFreeSave Curtmetratges BFF25 - BLOC C to your collection.Share Curtmetratges BFF25 - BLOC C with your friends.
Curtmetratges BFF25 - BLOC BCurtmetratges BFF25 - BLOC BThu, Mar 13, 7:00 PMCCCB • BarcelonaFreeSave Curtmetratges BFF25 - BLOC B to your collection.Share Curtmetratges BFF25 - BLOC B with your friends.
Guardians dels boscos. Pobles indígenes en defensa del territoriGuardians dels boscos. Pobles indígenes en defensa del territoriWed, Mar 19, 7:00 PMCol•legi de Periodistes de Catalunya • BarcelonaFreeSave Guardians dels boscos. Pobles indígenes en defensa del territori to your collection.Share Guardians dels boscos. Pobles indígenes en defensa del territori with your friends.
Ian Filiiarovskii. Concert per a piano “Aigua i Foc”.Ian Filiiarovskii. Concert per a piano “Aigua i Foc”.Sat, Apr 5, 5:00 PMMUSICÀREA Escola de Música moderna. Classes d'instrument i cant. • Vilanova i la Geltrú€15Save Ian Filiiarovskii. Concert per a piano “Aigua i Foc”. to your collection.Share Ian Filiiarovskii. Concert per a piano “Aigua i Foc”. with your friends.
They All Die at the End: The Improvised Play with a Terrible End • ENGThey All Die at the End: The Improvised Play with a Terrible End • ENGSat, Apr 26, 8:00 PMBarcelona Improv Group • Barcelona€12Save They All Die at the End: The Improvised Play with a Terrible End • ENG to your collection.Share They All Die at the End: The Improvised Play with a Terrible End • ENG with your friends.
They All Die at the End: The Improvised Play with a Terrible End • ENGThey All Die at the End: The Improvised Play with a Terrible End • ENGSat, Apr 5, 8:00 PMBarcelona Improv Group • Barcelona€12Save They All Die at the End: The Improvised Play with a Terrible End • ENG to your collection.Share They All Die at the End: The Improvised Play with a Terrible End • ENG with your friends.
Performance en defensa de l'aiguaPerformance en defensa de l'aiguaSat, Mar 22, 12:30 PMBarcas del Parque de la Ciutadella • BarcelonaFreeSave Performance en defensa de l'aigua to your collection.Share Performance en defensa de l'aigua with your friends.
La lluita indígena per la defensa de la terraLa lluita indígena per la defensa de la terraFri, Mar 21, 7:00 PMÀgora Juan Andrés Benítez • BarcelonaFreeSave La lluita indígena per la defensa de la terra to your collection.Share La lluita indígena per la defensa de la terra with your friends.
Curtmetratges BFF25 - BLOC ACurtmetratges BFF25 - BLOC AThu, Mar 13, 5:15 PMCCCB • BarcelonaFreeSave Curtmetratges BFF25 - BLOC A to your collection.Share Curtmetratges BFF25 - BLOC A with your friends.